CAM International Painting Symposium

Mediterranean in Art
Waves of emotions

Curated by Antonio Manfredi

4-7 September 2008
Timetable: 10.00-13.00 | 16.00-19.00
8 September | 26 October 2008
Opening 8 September 2008 at 6.00 pm

From September the 4th to the 8th 2008, at the exhibition revenue EX AURUM in Pescara, the Arranging Committee of XVI Mediterranean Games Pescara 2009 arranges in cooperation with CAM_Casoria Contemporary Art Museum in Napoli, the International Painting Symposium “Mediterranean in Art | Waves of emotions” coordinated by Maurizio Ruzzi and curated by Antonio Manfredi.

Artists from the countries participating to the XVI Edition of the 2009 Mediterranean Games will participate meeting in Pescara, hosting city of the event. Painters called to participate have been invited to tell, through their creations, sport and Mediterranean culture through personal research lines, using painting techniques to express their message of peace and brothership among populations. The artists will work with total espressive freedom in an experimental laboratory; the one close to the other, Mediterranean painters will compare different styles and languages, by making nations from the same sea closer. It has the will to recover the roots of the same culture to make the Arranging Committee of the Games insert in this context three days dedicated to culture. The Symposium will host the best names of the contemporary artistic scenario invited by the curator Antonio Manfredi; from the youngest artists since long affirmed and giving the chance to make neophytes of contemporary art closer to the creative process of artworks. Modalities of painting production still belong to a completely artistic sphere, therefore, getting into this field and discover how does a painter creates means an enriching moment. The event configures itself as confrontation and acceptance to the other through art and sport. These two basic elements of the event become the symbol of peace, in fact, also thanks to the participation of two artists – respectively coming from Palesatine and Israel – symbolizing the will of a Mediterranean harmony. The works realized during the Symposium will be exposed during an exhibition starting on September the 8th at 6.00 pm at Vittoria Colonna Muesum of Modern Art in Pescara and, by the end of October, at CAM_Casoria Contemporary Art Museum in Napoli.

Marija Bjekic SERBIA Severine Bourguignon FRANCE Carlo Caldara ITALY Carmen Carmona Fernandez SPAIN Fathi Hassan EGYPT Ajili Houda TUNISIA Natasa Ljubetic CROATIA Aghim Muka ALBANIA Caroline Navarro MALTA Vahida Nimanbegu MONTENEGRO Anna Photiadou CYPRUS Michele Quercia ITALY Maurizio Ruzzi ITALY Predrag Szilvassy SLOVENIA Noumier Tawilah SYRIA Eliana Vamvakinos GREECE

Artists invited as “Peace Bringer”:
Mohammed Al-Hawajri PALESTINE Sivan Shahar ISRAEL

Corso Umberto I, 113 – 65122 Pescara, Italy
Ph +39 085 4211139 Fax +39 085 298199

Via Francesco Ferdinando D’Avalos, Pescara, Italy
Ph: +39 085 4549508

Piazza I Maggio, 10 Pescara, Italy
Ph: +39 0854283759 Fax: +39 08536195

CAM MUSEUMCAM MUSEUM VIA CALORE S.N.C., CASORIA, NAPOLI - INFO +39 3332972239 Orari: martedì 10/16, mercoledì 17/20, giovedì 10/16, venerdì 17/20, sabato 17/20, domenica 10/13 privacy credit