The sacred unveiled

Contemporary iconography
curated by Antonio Manfredi
May 9 at 19.00
9 May | July 9, 2014

Tamer Abdelaaty, Paula Sunday & Alfredo Maddaluno, Norbert Attard, Ashis Ghosh, Peter List, Sound Barrier, Charles Hermann, Gloria Pastor, Laura Niola, Max Papeschi, Piergiuseppe Fish, Driving & Vargas, George Scotti, Yasser Gaessa, Martin Reiter Ivan Piano, Mario La Porta, Roberta Basile, Gerardo Di Fiore

CAM museum presents “The sacred unveiled, contemporary iconography” by Antonio Manfredi, from May 9, at 19:00, to July 9, 2014. The exhibition, houses works by national and international artists, analyzes the value assumed in the contemporary by new visual meanings of religiosity, spirituality onsumismo to c, the search for the absolute and the infinite to the kitsch. What is contemplative, minimal or shouted, investigation of iconography in contemporary art appears divine mirror of a society poised between the sacred and the profane, between one and irony desecrating traditional Emilia. the otherworldly asceticism is very much interference in the new deities to which man looks as a reference, exhibition The sacred unveiled, reveals that contaminated imagery. In the works the personal artistic investigation re appa without taboos but it becomes subject taken to extremes by the workings and thought. The irreverent humor invests the prototype of popular religiosity as the holy sister in the glass bell that does the cleaning in fun vid eo Paula Sunday & Alfredo Maddaluno in Superjesus taking flight like a rocket Max Papeschi or Christ plump and smiling Norbert Francis Attard. Appear elements of strong objection to a theological rigidity as The re beautiful angels of Gerardo Di Fiore that flying free appear anything but asexual, for the holy relic of Martin Reiter, the Madonna of Sound Barrier that exceeds the sacredness showing the miracle of human nature, and as for the performance of Laura Niol a, which presents itself as a liturgical act the bond between mother and daughter. Baroque reminiscences can be glimpsed in the Giorgio Scotti light box and turn to a sophisticated paganism those who pray in Ivan Piano, an asceticism mystical Sufis Tamer Abdelaaty ead analysis of exploitation of sacred images for merchandising in the work of Ashis Ghosh . The huge Peter Baptist list appears as an icon mystery by robotic and ancestral form and delicate woman Gloria Pastore door on pr opria skin signs of a breach, the martyrdom of a body “sacred” by doing against Installation Di Guide & Vargas, the hour of the Angelus, whose prayers are directed to the new capitalist gods. The dialogue with the divine comes in graphic signs of Yasser Gaessa and the ability to hear and see everywhere the relationship between man and the supernatural, the Last Crusade Piergiuseppe fish that collects an army of sacred sculptures that are directed towards a single point and Easter ion process modern, immortalized by Mario La Porta, Roberta Basile and Charles Hermann, who tell the anthropological and social side of contemporary religiosity. References, irony and critical for a show not to be missed at CAM museum.

CAM MUSEUMCAM MUSEUM VIA CALORE S.N.C., CASORIA, NAPOLI - INFO +39 3332972239 Orari: martedì 10/16, mercoledì 17/20, giovedì 10/16, venerdì 17/20, sabato 17/20, domenica 10/13 privacy credit