Magmart 08

immagine%2520eventi_events_004VIDEO UNDER VOLCANO
International videoart festival Eighth edition
edited by:
Opening Friday 3 May 2013 at 19.00
May 3 | 3 July 2013
From Friday 3 May at 19.00, until 3 July 2013, the CAM museum hosts the exhibition curated by the director of CAM Antonio Manfredi and the director of MAGMART Enrico Tomaselli of the eighth edition of “Magmart_Video under Volcano”, the international festival of video art. The global video art will be flanked by the offshoot “I hope that I can manage”, a collection of 30-second visual messages, inspired by the latest sad Neapolitan episodes, from the “One Minutes” section curated by Kerry Baldry and “Jour de fête” curated by Alexandra Laudo and Pedro Torres.
Out of competition, the video installation “Daisy Dialogs” by Helga Gasser and Birgit Pleschberger will be visible
The mapping of the 57 nations that participated in Magmart, with ben
503 video, allows the definition not so much of the artistic practice of
videos, now among the most popular, but of how, over the years, different countries change their production and quality. The video festival thus manages to relate the changes and adhesions towards new aesthetic awareness and intrinsic national needs that push towards the network.
A very useful and concrete tool, Magmart also opens a glance to generalized international participation through the mixing of media (announcement and participation via the internet and execution of the material with webcam or similar).
The 30 winning videos will be screened on the evening of the inauguration and for the entire period of the event, and will become part of the permanent collection of the CAM museum. Mobile phones, ipads, webcams, professional cameras and other useful tools for creating videos have also conveyed to the CAM the proposals of “I hope that I can manage”.
After the closure of countless cultural spaces and the attack that saw the dissolution in the fire of the City of Science of Naples, the future for art and culture appears increasingly uncertain and full of pitfalls. The CAM museum, always in the front row for the defense of culture, invited us to express through a video the hopes, illusions, projects and possible initiatives to “get by” in a moment of crisis, all visible at the Casoria museum.

CAM MUSEUMCAM MUSEUM VIA CALORE S.N.C., CASORIA, NAPOLI - INFO +39 3332972239 Orari: martedì 10/16, mercoledì 17/20, giovedì 10/16, venerdì 17/20, sabato 17/20, domenica 10/13 privacy credit